Monday, November 12, 2012

A part of God's Plan

 This past weekend was pretty amazing. On Friday, I had the opportunity to audition for the Jenny Phillips Choir. This choir will perform in her firesides next year, in between the months of January and September. My audition time was at 6:00 pm, and I auditioned with 7 others during that time slot. The funny thing was, I wasn't super nervous like I usually am for an audition. I felt, next to a few butterflies in my stomach, a sense of peace and calmness.  It was over before I knew it, and looking back, it seems like such a blur. (: She (Jenny Phillips) said she would send out an email to everyone by 10:00 that night, to let us know if we made it or not. I thought, "Wow! That's awesome! I don't even have to wait for very long!" Well, it turns out that she accidentally missed my name on the list, and so, after emailing her directly, Saturday at 4:00 I got a reply. The beginning said:
"Brianna, I'm not sure how I missed you. Yes! You made the choir."

I was SO happy and excited and grateful!!!!! :D :D :D The incredible thing was, that after letting it sink in that I had made it, I felt this sense that this is exactly what was supposed to happen. It just was. I knew that Heavenly Father had put this opportunity in my path and He led me to realize that I couldn't let it pass by. He had known all along that I would make it, and it is a part of His plan for me.

The hard part of it all was that I had a friend also try out for the choir......but she didn't make it. I felt so bad. I thought, "How can I tell her I made it when she didn't?" But I had to tell her, otherwise she would find out from someone else and that would hurt even more. I told her through a text, she responded, congratulating me, but then we didn't talk anymore after that. The next morning, Sunday, I received a couple of texts from her.  She shared with me an incredible experience she had that morning that completely changed her jealousy and anger to understanding and peace. I was in awe at how in tune to the spirit she was and that she was willing to let that spirit alter her perspective. She is an incredible person, example to me, and friend...and she knows who she is. :D I know that this just wasn't part of her plan and she was supposed to have this experience to learn and grow from. (:

I just want to share my knowledge that I know this is true.  I know that God has a plan for each and every one of us. We don't know exactly what it is, but if we put our faith and trust in Him, He will guide and direct us to it.  And, most often, His plan is so much bigger than what we want, or think we have planned for ourselves.

I am so very grateful and feel very fortunate to have this opportunity  and I look forward to the amazing experience it will be.

I am so blessed to know I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and wants the best for me. I know He loves us so much - enough to give us disappointments and challenges in life to mold and shape us into the people He knows we can become.

With Love, Brianna

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