Christmas Break. The majority of it was fantastic! :D
Unfortunately, my family was sick the entire time, and I caught the stomach bug, conveniently, on Christmas Eve and it lasted until the day after Christmas. Fun, right? Haha not really...(: But I still was able to enjoy a great day with my family. For Christmas, I got a nice camera, which I have loved experimenting with. I took all of these pictures with it. (:
Our Christmas Tree |
Christmas morning sky :) |
We spent a good chunk of time putting this (super duper hard) puzzle together:
My grandparents live out in Roosevelt, which is a really small town in Utah. However, my grandpa will be retiring in the spring, so they will be moving to a house in Lehi. I am so excited to have them live closer to us, however it a bittersweet thinking about them moving. I have grown up my entire life going to stay at their house, and it will be sad to see it go. Half of the extended family, my family included, made it out there for one last Christmas. We were there for New Year's, which was a blast. :)
We played a game the cousins named "The Basket Game". The cousins wrote on slips of paper animated characters, and put them all into a basket. Then, each member of each of the two teams would pull one out at a time and describe it until it was guessed. The objective: have your team guess as many as you can before the time runs out.
This is my 9 year old cousin, Sophie. She is absolutely HILARIOUS and had us all doubled over in laughter the ENTIRE time. (:
"Boys are just for fun...Girls are meant to be."
- Sophie -
The 3 girl cousins (Lily, me, and Sophie)...with braces :D | |
On one of the days, I went outside in the afternoon to snap some pictures, even though it was probably only 7 degrees. My grandparents' backyard is basically the Roosevelt Golf Course. I loved taking pictures of a snowy golf course. Besides the cold, it was great. :D
They own a grand piano, which, thankfully, will move with them. (: I play it every single time I go out there. It just has this beautiful, crisp, sharp, magical sound that I absolutely adore.
More of G & G's house...
The beautifully decorated front porch :) |
What I like to call "The Frosty Tree" |
Haha I love it! :D |
One morning, during the break, I made "Lehi Roller Mills' Country Raspberry Muffins" and hot chocolate. Nothing like a hot muffin and a cup of hot cocoa. :)
So, an amazing part of my Christmas break, was the opportunity to see the movie Les Misérables...twice. :) It. Was. Absolutley. Phenomenal!!!!!! I would definitely recommend it to anyone and everyone! :D The music was filmed completely live, which added a depth that could not have been reached otherwise. I cried, just like I thought I would, because it is such a powerful movie. (: It is full of amazing themes such as compassion, redemption, being Christ-like, and the miracle of forgiveness. I could talk about it all day long. (: It was just absolutely incredible.
Thanks a ton for reading this extremely long post! :D
Lots and Lots and Lots of Love, Brianna