Monday, January 21, 2013


New Year's Eve. When the clock struck 12, I had this distinct feeling that this year was going to be a really great one.  Who knows, maybe this thought was just me being really positive, but I am determined to follow through and truly make it a really great year. (:

So, I have this awesome friend. And her name is Cambri. She did a post on her blog where she listed all of her wonderful goals for this year, and through that, she inspired me to do the same. Thanks Cambri! :)

I don't think I have ever really taken New Year's seriously in the past. This year, I am going to write down my goals and follow through with them.

Be Healthier
I need to be so much better at exercising a lot more and eating less sweets. (:

Get More Sleep
The sleep I have been getting isn't healthy at all, and I need to make an effort to get my homework done and get into bed at a good time! (: I know if I do this I won't be as stressed, I will be a lot happier, and I will have so much more energy!

Learn to Cook
Let's be honest. This is a skill I will need to use for the rest of my life, so I need to start now, because it will take a lot of practice. (:

Stop being so attached to my phone
This one is tied with an experience I had recently. Last Sunday, I was given a challenge from my sunday school teacher to go without something so that I could grow closer to my Heavenly Father.  I decided to go without my phone for the week, or Monday through Friday.  I had so many things to do, and it was really nice not having that as a distraction.  It was hard, but I made it.  And it made me realize that when I set that aside, I was able to focus on more important things, such as my studies, spending time with my family, and studying the gospel.  I am not saying that I want to completely turn it off for 5 days at a time, but I do want to put it away for chunks of time, so I can focus on certain things and not be interrupted.

Spend more time with those I care about

This year I really want to get along better with my brothers, spend more time with them, and let them know that I care about and love them so much.  I also want to be a better daughter, sister, and friend. (:

Share my gifts
I have been extremely blessed with gifts from my Father in Heaven.  I have also been blessed with opportunities to share them with other people, and this year, I want to seek for those opportunities and not be afraid to go out of my comfort zone to share my gifts and talents.

Go to the Temple once a month
I don't go nearly enough, and I feel like this is a good starting point to get me into a habit of going consistently.

Read more
I LOVE to read, and yet I have the hardest time finding the time. This year I am going to make the time. 

Study the Scriptures and sincerely pray
I don't want to just go through the motions and read them just to read them.  I want to truly study them and learn everything I can from them. I want to have my prayers be sincere every single time I get on my knees.

Further develop my relationship with God
I would love to get to know better and draw closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I know the best way to do this is to spend quality time with them, especially on my knees. I would also like to set time aside to quietly ponder, and meditate, as well as spend time immersed in the scriptures so that I can receive personal revelation from the Lord.

This video illustrates a wonderful point that links with setting goals and remembering that above all, the most important goal is to return to live with our Father in Heaven.

I really believe this is true. So please don't wait for 'the perfect time' to make goals and follow through with them. Start now! :D

Lots of Love, Brianna

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