Life. Life is so different now than it was even just a few short months ago. I've changed.
The people around my have changed. My perspective has changed. My love for others has changed.
My appreciation for education has changed. My love for life has changed. My independence has changed.
My testimony has changed.
I am learning. I am stretching. I am growing. I am hurting. I am healing. I am missing.
I am lonely. I am loving. I am happy.
I am so many things at this moment in time. My eyes have been opened and my heart has been softened.
I have been proud, I have been humbled.
I fall short every single day, and yet through the grace of my loving Savior, He picks me up and says, "It's okay. I know you're trying your best. Tomorrow is another day, and I promise we will get through it together."
I am learning new things about myself every single day. And it's hard.
But at the same time, I know it will be worth it.
It will all be worth it.
Every single experience I am going through is preparing me for something else. I know I am precisely on the path my Father in Heaven needs me to be on. I am exactly where He needs me. And I wouldn't have it any other way. . .
. . . even though sometimes it hurts to grow.

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