Monday, July 13, 2015

The Call to Serve

I believe my final decision to serve a mission traces back to almost two years ago.

Ever since the beginning of my teenage years, I have talked about serving a mission. I had the desire to, but 21 seemed so far away and I didn't know what would happen from that time until I turned 21. Then the age change happened, which opened up the possibility to serve at 19. I felt that this was much more reachable and a much more reasonable goal. I felt like it was what I needed to do, but I knew that I also needed to be in tune and willing to follow God's plan for me.

Then I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. All the events surrounding that time are blurred in my mind. The pain I felt and experienced has been taken away thanks to my Savior. I still have memories of what a difficult time that was, but I truly have been healed.

After coming out of my surgery and healing wonderfully, I came to realize my life had been spared. I knew the gravity of the possibility that I wouldn't have made it...and yet a loving God chose to save me instead.

This is when I began to see a little bit more of the bigger picture. My life was not my own--it belonged to God. He was the One really in charge. He had saved me for some purpose--a purpose that I will strive the rest of my days to fulfill. My feelings towards hoping to serve a mission changed. I felt that it wasn't just something I wanted to do... it was something God needed me to do. So I went forward.

Filling out my mission papers and waiting for my mission call taught me some patience. It wasn't easy to wait, especially being the last out of several of my friends to receive her call.

But it finally came. And what a beautiful moment it was. Surrounded by dear family and friends, I opened my mission call that would tell me where I would be serving the Lord for 18 months of my life.

I was somewhat of a mess, because I could hardly believe this day had finally come, but I made it through, barely choking out the words on that one sheet of paper.

*    *    *

There ya have it, folks! I have been called to serve in Pennsylvania Pittsburgh mission. I am so very excited! I also am so happy and feel incredibly grateful and blessed. For some reason that's where the Lord needs me, and that is where I will happily go.

I have only begun to catch a glimpse of what I am signing up for. But I take great comfort knowing that I am not alone in this endeavor. I have a Father in Heaven and Savior who will be with me every step of the way. As I strive to become the missionary They need me to become, blessings will flow.

I am so very humbled to have received this call to serve. I can't even imagine how much the people of Pennsylvania will bless my life as I strive to serve them to the best of my ability. I know I will learn a lot from them, and a lot about myself. I know I will come to know more about my Savior and come to personally know Him.

I don't know exactly what my mission has in store, but I know it is exactly what the Lord needs me to be doing at this point in my life.

I know this gospel is true. I know it with every fiber of my being--if I didn't, I would not be agreeing to serve this mission.

God's love is real and it is available to each and every one of us! His light is what gives me hope each and every day, and the strength that comes from His atonement is what enables me to endure the adversities of life. I truly love this gospel with all of my heart and can't wait to share it with God's precious children in Pennsylvania!!

Thanks for reading!

Bri // xoxo

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