Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Little Bit About Me...

Hey! My name is Brianna and I am the oldest of 3 children. After me, there is Cameron (12), and then Brenden (9). I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I am also serving as the Mia Maid President in my ward. I love life and I have been blessed with so many amazing things!

I absolutely LOVE my family. Yes, it is true that they really push my buttons some of the time, but I love them nonetheless. (: Over the past year and a half, my mom has been diagnosed with Celiac's Disease (allergic to gluten), and my 9 year old brother, Brenden, with Type 1 Diabetes. Both of these things have been really difficult to deal with - not only for my mom and my brother, but for our whole family. However, it could be so much worse. Watching both of these diseases in my home has really opened my eyes and made me so much more grateful for life and my health. It has also made me realize that you never know what Heavenly Father is going to ask you to deal with in this mortal life.

Another thing I love is music. What can I say? It is a truly incredible thing. I am in Women's Choir and I love it! We just had our last Festival yesterday, and we got 3, straight, superiors - the very best you can do! It made me so happy! Along with singing and being in choir, I LOVE to play the piano. It is such a release for me when I have had a stressful day and I need a break.

I love to watch movies with my friends and family. A FEW of my favorites are: Tangled, A Walk to Remember, Pride and Prejudice, Charly, The Blind Side, Enchanted, and Letters to Juliet.

Some of my favorite music artists are: David Archuleta, Carrie Underwood, Michael Buble, Nichole Nordeman, Jenny Phillips, Mindy Gledhill, Hilary Weeks, and Mercy River.

I love the gospel and I am so grateful for it! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I am in awe of all that He has done, and still does for me. I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who knows what is best for me and loves me unconditionally.

I hope that through this blog I can share with you what is in my heart and the things I hold near to it.

Love, Brianna

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