Thursday, December 25, 2014

He is the Gift

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it: the snow, the twinkling lights, the hot chocolate, the coats and boots and scarves, the time spent with family and friends. This season truly is a beautiful one.

But, despite all of these things bringing excitement to the season, they aren't the real reason for it.

He is.

He, the Savior of the World.

He, the Son of the Living God.

He, my Redeemer, my Savior, my Friend.

He is the Reason for this Season.

He is the Gift. The first and greatest gift ever to be given.

He is the Gift. A gift straight from heaven. A gift given to all mankind to save them. A gift given to save even a sinner like me.

A gift given to give hope, to save, to redeem.

The greatest act of love ever seen in the world's history.

A gift that came to earth in the most humble of circumstances. A King who came to the earth not draped in velvet robes, but One who came and was wrapped in swaddling clothes. A King who deserved a palace, trumpets, and the finest bed--but instead was born in a stable, surrounded by barn animals, and a manger for a cradle.

 It was so clear when the wise men arrived
And the angels were singing your name
That the world would be different 'cause you were alive
That's why heaven stood still to proclaim
And of all of the wonderful gifts he could bring
Who would imagine a king?
{"Who Would Imagine A King"}
An infant, lowly and holy. Born is my King.

Christ the babe, the Lord of all, was born for you.

It is difficult to describe in words how grateful I am for my Savior. He has done so much for me--so much that I could never repay Him for. I love Him with all my heart. He has walked with me during the darkest and most difficult times of my life, and has helped me to recognize His hand when all was going right. He performed a miracle in my life by sparing it. How humbled I am to be a witness of His love and His grace. How humbled I am to have been given a second chance at life--another chance to serve and love Him more fully. I am eternally grateful for His infinite Atonement. I am so grateful for the second, third, fourth--however many it takes, for me to get it right. I know that His gospel is a gospel of not perfection, but progression and perfecting. And I am incredibly grateful for His infinite patience and mercy as I struggle to become better and more like Him. I hope to emulate His light and life in all that I do. I hope to bring His light, His love, and His mercy to my fellow brothers and sisters so they can feel of the life-changing power that comes from His infinite Atonement.

I love Him: my Savior, my Redeemer, my Restorer, my Liberator, my Comforter, my Shepherd, the Prince of Peace.

He is my Savior and has saved me. I am Redeemed because of Him.

May we remember that He was the first gift, the most merciful and glorious gift given to us.

Merry Christmas,


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