Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Come Unto Christ

Do you ever think about the Savior? Really, truly, think about Him? I hope you do.

I strive to always remember Him, and how amazing and wonderful and incredible He is. I strive to remember how He has blessed me, and all of the miracles He has performed in my life. And how I hope to be just like Him one day. 

But lately I have been thinking about Him in a different light than I have before. 

I've been thinking about what He does.
I think a lot about what He did, and what He has done for me.
Miraculous, truly miraculous things, and I am forever grateful.

But then I asked myself, "What does Christ do?"

It seems like a very simple question with a simple answer, but there's more to it than the eye can see.

The list of things He does could go on forever. But as I thought about it, I came up with this list:

Christ . . .

| Loves | Heals | Forgives | Saves | Restores | Helps | Rescues | Feeds | Comforts | Walks with you | Listens | Answers | Strengthens | Provides Peace | Performs Miracles | Liberates | Carries | Blesses | Speaks | Prays | Is Constant | Humbles | Captains | Commands | Repeats | Gives Light | Strengthens | Anoints | Sanctifies | Aids | Helps | Serves | Consecrates | Creates | Leads | Delivers | Upholds | Provides Hope | Rejoices | Anchors | Authors | Bestows Grace | Redeems | Calls | Chooses | Ministers | Shepherds | Covers | Reaches | Never Ends | Grants Gifts | Edifies | Encompasses | Cleanses | Weeps | Knows | Shows | Tries | Tests | Shines | Reigns | Teaches | Perfects |

I am in awe of the endless qualities of my Savior, and know this list is just a glimpse towards the glorious being He is.

It is for this reason that I have chosen to embark on a journey. A journey that will help me draw closer to Christ. A journey which will strengthen my relationship with Him and help me to come to know Him better.

This journey will be centered around His words in the Book of Mormon.

I love this book with all of my heart. I know that the main purpose of this book is found in the 32nd verse of the 10th chapter in Moroni.

"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."

Come Unto Christ. This book is all about this simple invitation. Come, and be perfected in Him. Perfection is a process, and we come to know Him and become like Him through this process.

As a former sister missionary once said, "You don't need to be perfect, just perfecting."

And this perfecting process is exactly what I hope to more fully embark in.

For the next six weeks, I will post a couple of times each week. Each post will be centered around a characteristic of Christ I have come to find in the Book of Mormon. Examples will be provided, verses, quotes from general authorities, and some of my own thoughts.

I invite you to join with me in more fully accepting and investing in this invitation:

Come Unto Christ.

PC: http://jesuschrist.lds.org/bc/content/New%20Home%20Page%20Images/Final/savior-soft_edges.png

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