Monday, August 18, 2014

From Carmel, California to Reno, Nevada, and back to Home Sweet Home (Days 8 & 9)

My brothers and dad are huge golfers, so of course we needed to stop at the world famous Pebble Beach Golf Course.
Pebble Beach logo (in real life :))

Next stop: Carmel, California. An adorable little town by the coast.

There was a little shop which was selling the artwork of Thomas Kinkade. He was a phenomenal painter, and I bought an amazing calendar from there. Not just any ordinary calendar. A DISNEY calendar. How excited I was and am. :D
Another little shop caught our attention. It was a little bakery, and we ate lunch there. It had been a chilly day, so I bought a vanilla steamer with white chocolate covered biscotti. It was absolutely divine.
On our way out of California, we stopped at "Donner Pass". It is an amazing monument to pay tribute to the incredible Donner party that went through there. They were on their way to settle California, and the snow way as high as the monument itself--22 feet. Just under half of the 90 member party perished. What examples they are to me of enduring to the very end against impossible odds.

On our last night, we stayed in Reno, Nevada. "The Biggest Little City in the World". Basically Las Vegas #2. Ha ha :) It was like another world--quite an experience. How thankful it made me to be a member of this true church and to know who I am--a daughter of the Almighty God--and my purpose here on this earth.

August 10th, day nine of the trip, we drove about eight hours back home.
How good it felt to be back in our own house--truly our home sweet home.
Thank you so much for sticking with me and reading through my family's adventure as we embarked on this road trip. How thankful I am for them and their examples--I will forever cherish the memories made while we spent this time as a family.
As you travel through life, don't forget to make lasting memories along the way. And always remember to say 'I love you'.
"All I ever wish to do is travel through this life with you." (Mindy Gledhill)
Lots of love,

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